RP3D, P.S., Mate Fox Banchilo

Entrance fee: 7€
Start: 20/04/2024
Event starts in:
The event has ended

On Saturday, April 20th, our place is the spot to be. 🤿

We’ve got RP3D flying in from Canada and P.S. from Montenegro!

Let’s talk about RP3D first. Picture this: a legend from the gaming world demostrating the power of his inner creator. RP3D has a natural ear for tunes, deep bass vibes intertwined with slick progressive melodies with an irristable house groove – his sets are electric. ⚡️

Now, onto P.S., or as he’s known back home, Slobodan Popović. A legend in Montenegro, stirring up the club scene for over 15 years – not just spinning tracks but also bringing some top-notch international acts to local fans. From the get-go with Groovy Castel Nuovo and later with ChooseVision, Slobodan’s been all about giving people a taste of what’s hot in the clubbing world. His mixes? A wild ride from deep house to banging techno, always on the hunt for that next track that’s gonna flip the dance floor on its head.

Local support by our notorious Mate Fox Banchilo!
So, mark your calendars and get ready to experience some serious beats! See you on the dance floor! 🐙